Smocked Nightgown

Smocked Nightgown Design


alice-frenz-nightgown-smocking-sampleMy Design for a Smocked Nightgown

To the right is a sample I embroidered to show my design for the smocking embellishment. I love to read in bed and have hot carob with marshmallows whenever it’s chilly. My dog always likes to join me and insists on a game of catch with marshmallows in the kitchen first.  A few months before I drew these illustrations, my husband found a beautiful white kitten and convinced our friends to adopt it. I thought the cat, Casper, completed the picture.

I created the illustrations by first drawing in pencil on green paper. I selected the green to give a relaxed and sleepy mood to the work. Then I scanned my drawings and added the color using chalk pastel “brushes” in Corel Painter. The small white paper pieces in the center of the board are pattern pieces drafted to fit a scaled down figure. This was done as a fashion design exercise for the purpose of drafting pattern pieces quickly to focus on thinking about the shapes that would be needed to construct the design.